Helping kids be their Best is our goal. That’s why the BestSelf Health Home meets each child’s needs in a comprehensive and compassionate way. Our care managers provide eligible children, adolescents, and their families, with access to the services and partners that will help them stay happy and healthy. Members benefit from: comprehensive care management; care coordination and health promotion; individual and family support; and referral to community and social support services.
Health Home – Children
Program Features
Developing a personalized Care Plan to help meet their goals
Getting involved in activities to improve and maintain health
Resources for finding affordable housing, legal assistance, food and other essential needs
Successfully transitioning from one type of care to another
Two or more chronic health conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, mental health condition or substance use disorder
Significant Mental Illness
Living with HIV/AIDs
Medicaid recipients in Erie County
Individuals who have both Medicaid and Medicare are also eligible
Individuals who are members of a Managed Care Organization are also eligible
BestSelf BH – 301 Cayuga
301 Cayuga Rd.
Cheetowaga, NY 14225
716-842-0440 ext. 565