Facilitate rapid access via telehealth 24/7 to all 8 WNY regions. BestSelf Behavioral Health in conjunction with NY MATTERS and Value Network.
WNY Opioid Addiction Treatment
WNY Opioid Addiction Treatment
Hotline: (716) 463-6222
What we do
How it works
Individual calls 24/7 hotline number to receive rapid access to WNY Opioid Addiction Treatment:
• 11:00 am -11:00 pm will be connected to NY Matters.
• 11:00 pm -11:00 am will be connected to BBH.
BestSelf staff answer hotline calls 24/7-365 days a year.
All shift coverage will provide a warm hand off to the provider and potential client.
• Notification of calls to WNY Opioid Addiction Treatment Providers via telephone at designated times, 11:00 am-11:00 pm.
• NY MATTERS a phone call and email will be placed to MATTERS coordinator, which then the MATTERS team will link to rapid access provider.
• 11:00 pm -11:00 am WNY Opioid Addiction Treatment team will notify BBH provider via phone and email, then create Zoom session for BBH Provider and client to rapid access.
WNY Opioid Addiction Treatment Providers will link client to ongoing treatment program of the client’s choice through NY MATTERS platform.
For more information on WNY Opioid Addiction Treatment, please click here.