One in four adults experience a mental health issue in given year. No matter how old you are, where you live in Western New York or what challenges you’re facing—BestSelf Behavioral Health can help. We are proud to offer Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics and other programs and services that provide all of the mental health and substance use disorder services you need.
Community Behavioral Health Clinics
BestSelf Behavioral Health is part of an innovative pilot program called Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC). The CCBHC concept was created to provide comprehensive, integrated behavioral health care resulting in improved outcomes for our clients. If you would like to access services at BestSelf please call our central intake number.
Our CCBHC Outpatient Clinics offer fully integrated mental health and substance use disorder treatment and services for children and adults including:
• Mental Health
• Substance Use Disorders
• Health Assessment & Monitoring
• Psychiatric Rehabilitation
• Targeted Case Management
• Peer Services
About Our Clinics - Adults
At our Clinics, you’ll benefit from:
BestSelf is committed to getting you the treatment you need, when you need it. That’s why we offer same day appointments at all of our Clinics. Same-day scheduling is dependent on assessed risk.
BestSelf always takes a person-centered approach to care. Our team takes the time to understand your individual needs and connects you with the right combination of services and programs.
Our Clinics provide a full continuum of services for children and adults, so every location is the right place to start. Even if you aren’t sure what you need, our team members can help.
For Substance Uses Disorders, please click here.
Evidence-based Therapies and other services
In addition to our Community Behavioral Health Clinics, BestSelf Behavioral Health offers numerous evidence-based therapies, specialized programs and other services to make sure you can become your BestSelf.